Help When You Need it Most | CTA Blog Skip to next element

Help When You Need it Most

CTA - Christ to All /May. 14, 2019
Help When You Need it Most

A little girl ran down the beach and stood at the edge of the water. Never having seen the ocean in person, she marveled as the waves washed up near her toes and then receded. Her mom, who had watched her daughter take in the majesty of the ocean for the first time, asked, “So, do you want to go in now?” The little girl thought for a moment and responded, “No, I think I’ll wait ’til it stops!”

While we smile at the girl’s innocence, we might have walked in her flip-flops at one time or another. Those in full-time ministry serve the Lord and his people in season and out of season, giving so much of their energy and heart to his Kingdom’s work. Like the wave motion of water, ministry doesn’t have a stopping point. You may think you’ll wait until the busyness stops to take a family vacation, make time for regular exercise, or take a mini sabbatical to allow your Savior to wash over you with a fresh cleansing of his constant waves of grace. However, ministry needs will not stop and you need a break to recharge and be nourished by heaven’s gifts—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Help for All Seasons

As you work to recharge, don’t forget to delegate. Allow others to explore and use their gifts. Exhale and inhale God’s mercy. Go back and stand at the edge of Jesus’ empty tomb and marvel at the majesty of his resurrection. Let his peace wash over you and soak in his rays of grace. And be assured of this: your Savior’s faithfulness will never end!

Help for Father’s Day

CTA exists to walk with you in ministry, making your job a little bit easier. Can we partner with you this Father’s Day? Check out these gifts and resources:

Help for Mission Trips

As you gear up for summer mission-trip planning, don’t forget to check out resources for children and youth ministry. Are you making a trip to a Spanish-speaking area? CTA has dozens of Spanish products. Check them out! All of these resources are easy to pack and convenient to hand out to groups. 

Help for Vacation Bible School 

Make sure your vacation Bible school coordinator and volunteers know about the great Christ-centered teaching resources available through CTA. Of course, VBS can also stand for Very Busy Summer, so although you may have been planning this event for some time, last-minute help and blessings abound at the VBS link! Like this: CTA’s theme Dive into God’s Word offers a downloadable event guide that you can easily customize to fit your specific VBS schedule.

Are you gearing up for summer or winding down for vacation? Let us know your summer plans!

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