Did you ever wish you could bless the life of someone who has helped you grow closer to Jesus? Your pastor, perhaps? Or someone else on the staff at church? Then, stay tuned! In a moment, we’ll share two simple, inexpensive ideas, each designed to bless your leaders as they have blessed you!
First, though, think about the blessings God has given you through those in positions of spiritual authority. We may call people like this . . .
- “Reverend” to remind ourselves to reverence and respect God’s servants as people sent by God for our good.
- “Father” because this person represents our heavenly Father, caring for our souls in ways similar to those of good earthly parents caring for their children.
- “Pastor,” meaning “shepherd,” a term that describes a person who loves the flock, caring for and nourishing each sheep.
Whatever title you use, it no doubt expresses honor. And it likely also reflects the selfless service and humility of your ministers as they serve.
Living up to these kinds of titles isn’t easy! Those who serve God’s people struggle with many of the same temptations we ourselves face. Even so, our spiritual leaders move forward in their service, prioritizing the care of other people, and relying on Christ to keep them faithful to their calling.
Even though our spiritual leaders don’t look for applause, those of us blessed by their leadership know how much they deserve to be honored. Take a moment to consider. What do you see in God’s servant?
- A heart for young people or the elderly
- Someone who’s there when you need comfort or a kind word
- A person of prayer
- A preacher or teacher whose ministry has deepened your love for Jesus
What makes your shepherd special? How will you express that—especially during October, observed in many churches as “Pastor Appreciation Month”? Here are two simple but powerful ideas:
- Begin an appreciation list and keep it with you for several days, jotting notes as thoughts come to you. When your list is complete, sit down and write a personal note of thanks. While it may be easier to do it in an email, think about writing your note by hand. It will feel more personal and perhaps more sincere to the person who receives it. Then, encourage other church members to do the same thing.
- Take a blank sheet of paper to the next meeting or class you attend at church. At the top, add a title like “We Love Our Pastor Because . . .” Pass the paper from person to person around the table, giving each individual an opportunity to complete the sentence in one or more ways. You might consider doing this with two or more groups over several weeks.
Mail the notes to your pastor at home. Or host a simple bagel, doughnut, and coffee surprise party after services during October’s Pastor Appreciation Month. Read aloud some of the notes people have written and close with a brief prayer thanking God for your spiritual leaders. Then make sure each leader you’re honoring gets a packet of notes and a gift to savor at home.
You don’t need impressive words or a creative writing course to make these ideas work. All you need is a love for Jesus and a heart filled with thanks to him for sending your pastor to you. Write from your heart, and it’s bound to touch your pastor’s heart!
How will you honor your pastor and ministry leaders this October?
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Editor’s note: