3 Ways to Spread the Gospel of Jesus this Fall in Your Community Skip to next element
Faith Sharing

Shine the Light of Jesus in Your Community This Fall

CTA - Christ to All /Jul. 30, 2023
Young girl playing in the falling fall leaves

By CTA-Christ to All

Churches have a number of ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus during the fall season. In fact, fall is traditionally a great time to plan family and churchwide activities. Why? People are back in a regular routine after the summer holidays, and in most places, volunteers have returned from vacations and the weather is comfortable enough to plan either indoor or outdoor activities.

Fall is also a time when people look to make a change. People often take advantage of natural transition points during the year to form new habits. For example, a parent may resolve to keep a better family calendar. A student may try to be more organized or try a new sport or school activity. Adults and families may decide to reengage with their faith and spirituality.

As you plan your activities and events for the coming months, here are three ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus during fall. 

3 Ways to Spread the Gospel of Jesus This Fall 

  1. Back-to-School Service Event

Going back to school should be a time of excitement for students and their parents or guardians. Yet for many families, the financial cost associated with making sure every child has what they need to be prepared for the year can be too much.

To alleviate the stress parents and children feel, organize a service event to collect items or provide services to families with children. Consult with local schools or human service organizations in your community to identify how you can be the most helpful. Here are some ideas:

  • Host a school-supply drive
  • Purchase backpacks for students of all ages
  • Buy shoes or gift cards to a shoe store and give them to guidance counselors to hand out to students in need
  • Host a free haircut day at your church or at a local salon
  • Raise funds to prepay for student lunches

Being the hands and feet of Jesus by meeting people’s needs is simple. But just like Jesus did more than meet people’s physical needs, we, too, can spread the Gospel of Jesus even as we serve. Along with your donations, include age-appropriate encouraging messages, faith-based materials, and information about your church to let people know that Jesus loves them just as much as you do.

  1. Back-to-School Fall Festival 

Welcome students back to school and to your ministry with a stand-alone event full of fun, games, and the Gospel of Jesus. One-time events are perfect for the fall because they let staff and families plan ahead and get excited about attending a special event.

These events are also great ways to invite unchurched friends and family to a Christ-centered event. You can plan to host an event in the evening on a school night or on a Saturday morning or afternoon. There are many pre-written and well-organized events available online. Don’t forget to make sure each attendee has a take-home prize to remind them of the event and the Gospel message of Jesus

You can also learn about our Back-to-School Kickoff Event here!

  1. Trunk-or-Treat

Just about the time that the back-to-school excitement wears off, Halloween reenergizes kids and families. Hosting or participating in a trunk-or-treat is a great way to spread the Gospel of Jesus during fall.

Trunk-or-treats are very common in communities across the country. To have the greatest impact, consider joining with an existing trunk-or-treat event instead of competing with it. If your community has a different Halloween tradition—like hosting a trick-or-treat in the high school or outside of businesses on Main Street, find out how to get involved and join in. Not only do you have the chance to witness and share the Gospel of Jesus with the people who come to your parking lot or booth, but you have the opportunity to talk to the community members and organizations that are also handing out candy.

In addition to (or instead of) candy or other treats, you can hand out prizes and items that tell about Jesus. Glow-in-the-dark items are particularly popular and effective around Halloween.

The Takeaway

No matter what your church’s situation or your community’s culture, your church can spread the Gospel of Jesus during fall. From organized outreach events to meeting the physical or financial needs of those in your community, your church can make a positive kingdom impact that demonstrates the grace that we have because of Jesus.