7 Ways to Get the Whole Church Involved in VBS Skip to next element

7 Ways to Get the Whole Church Involved in VBS

CTA - Christ to All /Jul. 02, 2018
a congregation worshiping

7 Ways to Get the Whole Church Involved in VBS

By Cherie Werner

There is something very exciting about sharing Bible stories with those who don’t know much about Jesus. The joy and wonder on the face of a child who learns about Jesus and his love for the first time is priceless.

God has blessed children with open hearts that are eager to believe in his truth. Because they have such quick and easy faith, it is a joy to tell them the Good News! VBS is a very tangible way to share the Bible with children who may not have regular exposure to the Gospel. It is also a great opportunity to get church members involved in making an eternal difference.

Here are some ways your congregation can help with VBS:

Pray: VBS is more than a week of fun for children. It is a real opportunity to plant seeds of faith in children and adults who may not hear the Gospel message elsewhere. Ask your congregation to be intentional about praying for the VBS volunteers and for the children and families who attend. If possible, give people the first names of specific individuals who will be attending, as well as the names of those who will be helping.

Provide meals: If you have the privilege of having your VBS at night so families can attend together, have different organizations within your church provide a meal beforehand each evening. Having a meal helps parents who might be running late after work; it gives VBS volunteers and attendees a chance to get to know one another better; and it allows church members to be involved in the process of sharing the message.

Donate supplies: VBS is a huge undertaking! Invite your worshippers to help out by donating supplies for snacks, evening meals, crafts, props, decorating materials, and other VBS needs.

Decorate: Chances are, you have some very creative people in your midst who would love to help make the VBS atmosphere festive and thematic. Introduce your theme during worship services and in the bulletin or newsletter. Get people thinking about how they can be involved and how their skills might work with others to make your event successful.

Group sing-along: Invite parents and church members to join you at VBS for the opening and closing each day. Let them take part in the songs that everyone is learning. Include them in the large-group learning of the main message for each day and the concluding Bible points.

Closing service: At the end of the week, share the VBS Bible truths during a worship service. Include songs, main points, Bible lessons, God sightings, and stories about what the children did and said. Invite everyone to stay for fellowship afterward by hosting a meal or potluck.

Picture slideshow: Take lots and lots of pictures each day at VBS. At the closing service, share those pictures with the worshippers so they can see the blessings that came from their support. Show them again the following Sunday and ask the worshippers to prayerfully consider being involved next year!

Let us know - how do you get worshippers involved in VBS?