CTA, Inc.

7 C's of Leadership, 1: Communication

Item#: MM20-03


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Part 1 in the series of 7 C's of Leadership. To download this summary, click here.

CTA Presents: Focus on Leadership

7 C’s of Leadership

Introduction: Learn the seven essential components of leading a ministry staff.



  • This refers to communicating the vision—the vision we get from Jesus. His vision was one of reconciliation and salvation. Our vision is one based on bringing people to Jesus.
  • The vision defines why we exist. It is specific to each body of believers.
  • Pastors and leaders need to be able to clearly communicate vision in every way possible. It has to be communicated in a way that people can know and understand, not in a fuzzy or diffused manner.
  • Why start with a vision? Proverbs 29:18 gives us the answer.
  • Clear vision gives direction and purpose, order and identity.
  • Our vision is eternal—not a fad.


  • People will ask, “Why are we doing this?” You need to have an answer!
  • Your “why” must be tangible in order for people to commit.
  • Vision helps with commitment. Without a clear vision, people don’t have direction, don’t want to commit, and may choose to commit elsewhere.
  • A clear vision attracts people who identify with the vision—“Find people who believe what you believe.”
  • Make sure pastors understand the vision as set out by Jesus in the Bible. To spread commitment through the church, start with a small group that is already committed and focus on how you are going to get others to commit to the vision.


  • Jesus gives us the model for contact. He chose to come to earth to live amidst people, and he demonstrated love to the world.
  • Contact can be physical, emotional, and social.
  • All levels of church leaders can show compassion to churchgoers.
  • Contact is connecting with people.
  • People want to know they matter. You can show them that the church cares.


  • Community is what happens when people gather together with a common purpose and vision.
  • There is great diversity within the community of the Church.
  • Vision helps build community. You can fill in the blank: “We exist to . . .”
  • People can come together to celebrate wins and reflect on what God has done in their lives.
  • Shared sacrifice builds community. When you go through challenging times together, you grow together more than you would in good times.
  • You can build community by gathering people together in activities like mission trips and service projects. Laugh together!


  • A caring environment is an environment that leaders intentionally create. It doesn’t just happen.
  • Caring brings about a sense of family-like relationships and allows people to actively participate in the “family.”
  • Church leaders can project the image of Jesus, giving compassion and showing their hearts going out to the people.
  • Caring for others might be difficult for people who have inward temperaments.
  • When people know you care, they listen with a different ear.
  • If your church is growing, maintaining small groups, recreational groups, and connection groups keep the church “small.”
  • The church staff cares for church, but other people care, too. Volunteers and other leaders work alongside staff to provide another level of care.


  • Coordinating crosses all levels of the organization. It brings cohesion, collaboration, and teamwork, much like an orchestra. Coordinating brings together individual parts to become something great together.
  • Ask your ministries, “How is your group going to maintain the church’s vision?” Keep the ministries focused on your vision!
  • When budgeting, have ministry leaders make their case about how they contribute to your vision. Why does their group exist?


  • Don’t put a lid on leadership in church.
  • Many churches don’t empower people to grow the church and use their abilities to advance the vision.
  • People are already attached to your vision, so let the people loose. Let people engage their world with the Gospel in their own way. The world is where we are supposed to be!
  • People can spread the love of Jesus while they are going about their regular business. They will see great opportunities to make disciples.

Thought Starters:

  • How is your church currently using the 7 C’s of leadership?
  • Think of one way that you could improve in each of these seven areas.


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