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Compassion - a Free Lenten Devotion
By Jeff Cloeter
Compassion is a feeling of deep sympathy for another, accompanied by a desire to help. In the New Testament, the Greek word for compassion implies a feeling in the gut. Compassion is that churning sensation that wells up from deep inside us, moving us to care for someone else. Compassion is a feeling that leads to an action.
For some of us, compassion comes easily. We feel for others and are moved to act. A stranded family. A crying baby. A lost dog.
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28 Days of Experiencing God's Love
Spend a few moments with our tender, wise, kind heavenly Father. His gentle, very personal care surrounds, supports, strengthens, and sustains us. For each day of February, here are Scriptures, reflections, and prayers to help you recall all that he has graciously and lovingly done for us.
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