Unwrapping Our Gifts | Devotion | CTA Skip to next element

Unwrapping Our Gifts - Devotion

CTA - Christ to All /Sep. 01, 2019
Unwrapping Our Gifts - Devotion

By Jane Fryar and Kristin Schultz

For years, Stella had led VBS at her church. She loved being with the kids. She loved telling Bible stories. She loved thinking up games and crafts and snacks to go along with those stories. Stella—gifted in teaching and exhorting­­—loved it all.

But Stella would be the first to admit that VBS usually teetered on the edge of disaster. No one ever knew how many kids to plan on. There were always too few helpers—and once, too many teachers! There were never enough cups and napkins. No one ever created a follow-up list or, for that matter, followed up on visiting families.

But all that was B.D. (Before Doug). The year he joined the VBS team, every problem disappeared as if by magic. It wasn’t really magic, of course. It was Doug, working hard behind the scenes, using his spiritual gift mix—primarily administration, service, and wisdom. “You’ve been the missing piece!” Stella often tells Doug.

Bottom line: When Doug did the stuff he loved, it freed Stella to do the stuff she loved. And vice versa.

Could Stella or Doug have listed their spiritual gifts? Maybe. Or maybe not. We can use our gifts even without knowing what they are. But when we know, we are more likely to spot opportunities to do what we do best. We are also less likely to serve—unhappily—in tasks the Lord has in mind for others.

Search the internet and you will find multiple inventories, quizzes, and tests to take in an effort to identify your spiritual gifts. But perhaps the most helpful, most accurate approach is to ask yourself a few, on-point questions—then stick around long enough to hear the Holy Spirit’s answers:

  • As I study the lists of spiritual gifts given in the Bible (especially 1 Peter 4:10–11; 1 Corinthians 12:7–11; and Romans 12:4–8), where do I see myself?
  • What have I done well and with success as I have served in the past? What do others say I do especially well as I serve in the church?
  • What kinds of service do I especially enjoy?

We pray you identify your spiritual gifts and are led to use them to serve others.