By Matt Behrens
As teachers, parents, or ministry leaders, you know the importance of modeling good habits for the children in your care. Use the following ideas to infuse joy and intentionality into the prayer life of your elementary-age children.
- This is a great age to start memorizing Scripture and prayers. Sometimes when we don’t know what words to use, it’s helpful to have something we can fall back on.
- Use fill-in-the-blank prayers. (There’s one below!) You begin a thought and have your children complete it.
- Create a prayer box for your family, or make them in your ministry for your children to use at home. Designate a box, jar, or other container. Keep slips of paper nearby. Write down your prayer needs and thanksgivings and drop them in the container. At the end of each year (or month or semester—you choose) pull the prayer slips out and read them together. How has God answered your prayers? How have your prayers changed?
- Ask your children who or what they want to pray for. You might be surprised at what they come up with!
Fill-in-the-Blank Prayer
Dear God, thank you for . . .
God, please forgive me for . . .
And God, please help . . .
Editor’s note: Today’s devotion is slightly adapted from He’s Listening! Prayers for Dads. CTA also offers a similar book but with different content: He’s Listening! Prayers for Moms. Check out these two gems and share with those in your ministry!