5 Keys to Setting Children Free from Fear Skip to next element
Faith Encouragement

5 Keys to Setting Children Free from Fear

CTA - Christ to All /Jun. 24, 2024
A young girl on a black background hiding her eyes behind her hands

By Dema Kohen 

All children are familiar with fear:

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fear of the dark
  • Fear of risk
  • Fear of being disliked and rejected
  • Fear of not being good enough

The list could go on and on. Fear blocks their view of God’s greatness and draws all their attention toward the challenge they are facing. Fear hijacks their joy and steals their peace. Ultimately, fear paralyzes children and holds them back from the life God designed for them.

Here’s the worst part: many childhood fears stick with us until adulthood. Because fears are often coupled with shame and are guarded by secrecy, kids become adults and they stay stuck in the paralyzing cobweb of unresolved fears.

How can you begin setting children free from fear?

  • Key #1: Faith

Fears ends where faith begins.

  • Key #2: Trust

You can be brave and take risks when you trust God.

  • Key #3: Focus

When the waves come, keep your eyes on Jesus.

  • Key #4: Unconditional Love

Even when we fail God, Jesus’ sacrificial love assures our forgiveness.

  • Key #5: God’s Spirit

The Holy Spirit gives us boldness. 

I’ve created the 5-week Fear Busters series in response to many parents in our church telling me about anxiety and fears controlling their children’s thoughts and emotions.

Each lesson includes a short Bible video and is supported by engaging, hands-on activities that give children practical tools to stomp out their fears.

I’ve tested this series on the children in my church and have seen great things come out of it:

  • Honest conversations
  • Heartfelt prayers
  • Confident lives
  • Life-giving accountability

Here’s what impressed me the most:

  • When I was presenting this series, kids really opened up and allowed me (and their small group leaders) into some of the darkest corners where fear tormented their souls.
  • We were able to pray for them but also give them real-life strategies for facing fear.
  • In the coming days and weeks, they reported their progress to us, and we celebrated each baby step they took as they faced their fears head-on.

This series is perfect for the fear-infused season (aka Halloween). It’s also perfect as a stand-alone series for camps, retreats, or any other special events. 

You know the adage about giving our children roots and wings? That’s the whole focus of the Fear Busters series. The unconditional love of Jesus is the roots. The courage it gives us is the wings. Children who have both will live bigger lives. Let fear lose its power over our sons and daughters!