CTA, Inc.

Spanish Resource Pack - Amazing Grace for a Woman's Heart



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Product Details

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! Let every woman experience that truth this Mother’s Day: God’s amazing grace is the only thing that can fill our hearts.

This FREE resource pack has tons of downloadable items, in Spanish, that you can use for your next Mother’s Day or women’s ministry event. Plan an event just for the Spanish-speaking women in your community!
The resources work especially well alongside the “Sublime gracia para el corazon de la mujer” collection. The theme artwork features Efesios 2:8 (RVR60), “Pues es don de Dios.”

Print out the items and distribute them however you want. They help eliminate prep work for an event and make it incredibly easy to promote it with a single vision!
-Ministry Message (Devotional)
-PowerPoint presentation to accompany Ministry Message
-Bulletin Cover
-Invitation Postcard—Print these out and mail them to everyone on your list
-Flyer—Place these everywhere in your community
-Name Badge
-Water Bottle Label
-Cupcake Topper—This and the water bottle label are unique ways to tailor your food and beverages around the event
-Theme Art, in both 150dpi and 300dpi

This material is provided for promotional purposes only. No monetary benefit can be obtained through its use.

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