And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed (Genesis 2:8 ESV).
Impatience is increasing. Waiting three seconds for a video to download seems like two seconds too long. Watching food cook for sixty seconds in the microwave is agonizing. Flipping aimlessly through the television channels feels like a multiday journey.
Modern life is all about speedy delivery, on-demand access, and getting what you want right when you want it.
You know what’s not fast? Planting a garden. Seeds germinate over days. Shoots slowly strengthen over weeks. Plants take root and bear fruit over months or even years. A garden will never produce on-demand results.
One of the first things God did in the very beginning was to plant a garden. It was no mistake. Planting a garden demonstrated God’s patience, God’s way of working. Rather than dealing in seconds and minutes, God deals in years and generations. God’s work is often downright slow.
The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love (Psalm 103:8 ESV).
When sin entered and destroyed God’s perfect creation—including the garden—the Lord promised to fix it. Though it took many generations, God kept that promise, sending a Savior to restore his creation. Jesus’ coming to be that Savior proves God is slow to anger. His love is sure and steadfast.
A slow God working in our on-demand world can fill our hearts and minds with frustration. When that happens, keep remembering that the divine Gardener is steadily at work. In Jesus, God is slow to anger and quick to forgive your sins. When you are tempted to think that God is inactive, know that he is indeed steadily planting, pruning, and preparing you. He will accomplish his holy plans for you at just the right time and in just the right way.
Whatever you’re praying for today, whatever you’re waiting on, remember: it may take time to see God’s work. It may take lots of time and far longer than you’d like. Yet, God is always at work in your life. He is planting you in Christ at this very moment so that you can remain rooted in him for all eternity.
Prayer: Work in me, O Lord, so that I can be deeply rooted in you. Calm my impatience so that . . .
Editor’s note: Today’s entry is slightly adapted from the devotion book Man of God: Rooted in Christ. The entire line of coordinating products can be seen here.
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