Hearty Service with a Smile | Devotion | CTA Blog 08-6-18 Skip to next element

Hearty Service with a Smile - a free devotion for Christian workers

CTA - Christ to All /Aug. 05, 2018
Hearty Service with a Smile - a free devotion for Christian workers

By Gail Marsh

“Company’s coming!” These words quickly launch many of us into motion. “Company’s coming!” That often means a frenzied trip to the grocery store. “Company’s coming!” means we drag out the vacuum, rev up the lawn mower, and hurry to change the sheets in the spare bedroom. “Company’s coming!” is a call to action!

Martha recognized that call. The story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38–42) is a story about action and service. We can guess what Martha did before Jesus arrived for a visit because even after Jesus walks through the doorway of their home, Martha continues to work, work, work. Martha does everything she can think of doing to make Christ’s stay enjoyable. Martha is all action! Until she notices her sister, Mary. That stops Martha in her tracks! Then, Jesus gently reminds her to refocus - on him.

What about you? Are you all about getting things done? Do you find yourself making endless “To Do” lists? Is your calendar unreadable because of too many notations penciled in? If you looked in a mirror while serving others, would you see a smile or a scowl?

Kingdom work often demands long hours and hard work. But Jesus cautions us to remember whom we really are serving - it’s him! Keeping our focus on our Lord Jesus helps balance worshipful hearts with busy hands. It gives us that boost of energy when we need it most. With Christ as our reason for service, we find true joy in serving others!

To Think About: How might you slow down to sit at the feet of Jesus today?


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