A Personal Easter Reflection Skip to next element

A Personal Easter Reflection

CTA - Christ to All /Apr. 05, 2021
A Personal Easter Reflection

By Rodney L. Rathmann 

Alleluia! Christ Is Risen! 

[Jesus said,] “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die” (John 11:25–26 ESV). 

Read Matthew 28:1–8. 

For Reflection: Jesus lives! Alleluia! Jesus’ resurrection verifies that God has accepted Jesus’ death on the cross as the full payment for all our sins. Jesus’ resurrection turns all our sadness to joy. Jesus’ resurrection makes us friends of God. Jesus’ resurrection is the foundation for the Christian’s faith, life, and hope! Today, take some time to write about what Jesus’ resurrection victory means for your new life in him. 

Pray: My Savior, the victory of Resurrection Sunday belongs to you! And by faith in you, it belongs to me! May I live the new life you give me with a Spirit-driven desire to . . . 

Editor’s note: Today’s reflection is from CTA’s Crucified. Glorified. Devotional Prayer Journal. To see all CTA’s devotionals and journals, visit ctainc.com.